Welcome to St Oliver Plunkett Catholic Primary School, Cannon Hill.
When you enrol your child at St Oliver Plunkett Primary School, your family will be welcomed into a collaborative and nurturing learning community, which seeks to be inclusive of all. Our community is vibrant and positive, with an active and supportive parent body and an enthusiastic and dedicated staff.
Our vision is “to be a learning community: dynamic, welcoming and strong in faith."
Our school of approximately 630 students is founded upon our strong historical links with the St Oliver Plunkett Parish and is guided by the charism of Nano Nagle - the foundress of the Presentation Sisters order - who first opened and staffed our school in 1947.
We bring life to our vision by proclaiming, living and celebrating the Gospel values and strong faith of the Catholic tradition within a contemporary culture; providing dynamic learning opportunities, where we work collaboratively to inspire each child to achieve their full potential; and by fostering open and welcoming interactions between school, families, parish and the wider community.
St Oliver Plunkett School is a well resourced school providing optimal conditions for learning. We understand that our school community has a responsibility to the students in our care, to provide an educational environment that supports their learning and spiritual development, by providing quality educational opportunities in a caring and supportive environment. Technology resources are accessed by all students from P-6 and technology practices are embedded in the curriculum. Specialist Teachers in The Arts, Japanese, Music and Physical Education, provide a rich learning environment for the students.
At St Oliver Plunkett School, we strive to work together in partnership with parents, staff, students and our parish community to make our Mission Statement a lived reality.
Whether you are new to our school community or present members, we hope that our partnership will be happy and rewarding.
Greg Cran

© Brisbane Catholic
Education, St Oliver Plunkett (2023)