Parish School Board

The Parish School Board, established in 2003 by the Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese, provides a pastoral structure and process for the ministry of Catholic Education.

The Board consists of the Parish Priest, the Principal, the Assistant Principal – Administration, the Assistant Principal - Religious Education, a staff member, a parish member, and parent members, with the option of a co-opted member.

The Board develops and responds to change within the school, maintaining its character and continuing to achieve its goals. It is a pastoral board which supports the administration of the school e.g. assisting the Principal in determining policy, forward planning, budgeting and the overall vision and mission of the school.  The Board does not have managerial function and does not have direct involvement in the hiring or distribution of staff. 

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month.

​Parents and carers can communicate directly with the Board in writing.​